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Who I Am and Why I’m Here


I am Bailey Herrington and my nickname is Skip. I love my wife and family, friends old and new. I learn something new every day. Sometimes I realize I learned that yesterday. I read somewhere to “never trust anyone who doesn’t have a sense of humor.” That’s a principle I can live by. My motto for living is “More Beyond.” There’s always more beyond the day’s routine, the confinement of self-quarantine, more beyond the physical appearance of the tall, thin gray-beard man who walks the streets carrying a water bottle, more beyond my prejudices, beyond violence against “the others”, more beyond this mortal life. I love to laugh with others. I have cried with others. Laughing is more fun, but I’ve learned more about myself during those times when I shed tears with another person. Listening to stories told by others adds to my education, if I truly listen. I’ve been known to tell a few stories myself.

Telling stories is what Tales From The Skip intends to share with you. Some of the stories will be humorous (I hope). Others (not too many, I promise) will be on the serious side. My purpose in writing these blogs is simple: to make your day better.

I welcome your comments, your suggestions, your participation.

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